This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients' problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients' clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based information.

This E blog also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable input in the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and coming up with diagnosis and treatment plans. is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians' signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients' problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients' clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based information.

A 29 year old female, homemaker, resident of miryalguda came to OPD with chief complains of cough and breathlessnes since 5 days

History of presenting illness:

Patient is apparently asymptomatic 5 days back,then she developed  cough which is non- productive and aggravated during night , also complained of shortness of breath  which was initially grade 2 and then progressed to grade 3 associated with Wheeze. 

On 27/12/22 she went to local hospital ,there doctor gave injections for 3 days  and referred to tertiary care center. On 1/12/22  she came here with severe shortness of breath and chest pain which was dragging type , non radiating associated with chest tightness . Tube thoracostomy is done and 200ml of fluid is drained.

No h/o night sweats and palpitations,hemoptysis.

No h/o  fever, neck pains

Past history 

No similar complaints in the past 

No h/o inhaler usage

Not a known case of diabetes, hypertension,epilepsy,asthma,seizures,coronary artery disease,tuberculosis. 

Allergic history:

Not allergic to known drugs

Not allergic to dust,pollen ,specific food

Personal History

Diet: mixed

Appetite normal

Bowel and bladder movements: regular 

Sleep: disturbed,past 3 days she couldn't sleep properly  and gets up from bed due to breathlessness.

No addictions

Menstrual History: 

Age of menarche -12 yrs


Not associated with pain and clots.


Obstetric History: 

Age at marriage - 18yrs 

Age at first child birth- 19yrs

Para -2 (one male child in 1st delivery and one male+one female in 2nd delivery)

No. Of children -3  delivered  by LSCS 

Family History:

Not significant


She wakes at 6 AM in the morning and does her morning routine , household works and have breakfast by 9 AM after sending her kids to school and husband to work. She watch TV from 10 am  to 12 pm and then prepares lunch by 12:30 .Eat  lunch at 1PM .She sleeps from 2 pm to 4pm,wakes up at 4 pm, talks with neighbours. Her kids and husband returns home by 5PM . At 5'o clock he Drinks tea with some Snacks like biscuits. From 5: 30 pm she talks to her and husband and asks about their day, prepares dinner at 7 pm and eats at 8pm , watch TV for one hour and Sleeps by 10pm.

General physical examination:

Patient is conscious,coherent,cooperative. Moderately built and nourished.Well oriented to time ,place ,person.


Icterus - absent

Clubbing - Absent

Cyanosis- Absent

Lymphadenopathy- absent

Edema -  absent



Temperature- afebrile


PR:110 bpm


SPO2 : 93% at Room atmosphere 

GRBS : 189 mg/dl

On 1/12/22

Temperature: afebrile

Pulse rate : 144bpm

Respiratory rate : 42/min

Bp: 130/90 mmHg

Spo2 : 96 % at RA

GRBS : 151 mg %

Systemic Examination: 

Respiratory system:

On inspection:

Upper respiratory tract:

No dns,polyps,turbinate hypertrophy

Oral cavity: no ulcers

Lower respiratory tract:

Shape: elliptical

Trachea:deviated to right.

No drooping of shoulders

No wasting of muscles

Accesory muscle usage : present

Spinoscapular distance: increased on left side

Apical impulse:not seen

No khyphoscoliosis

No hyperpigmentated patches or scars 


No local rise of temperature

No tenderness 

All inspectory findings are confirmed

Tactile vocal fremitus: 

Decreased in left infraclavicular,mammary ,infra scapular area,infraaxillary

Chest movements: 

decreased at infraclavicular,mammary,infra scapular, infraaxillary.


Hyperresonant in infraclavicular, mammary, infra scapular, infraaxillary regions

Shifting dullness: present


Breath sounds:amphoteric

Airway entry decreased on left side

Wheeze: present.

Rhonchi : present 

Saccusion splash: positive

Cardiovascular system :

S1 S2 heard

No murmurs heard

Per abdomen :

Soft, non-tender no organomegaly


No focal neurological deficits



On 1/12/22
Tube - patent 
Drain - 200ml
Air column - 3.4cms
Air leak +
Subcutaneous emphysema-

On 2/12/22

Tube - patent 
Air column movement : 3-4 cm H20
No subcutaneous emphysema 
Air leak absent  

Post procedure Vitals:
PR 128bpm
BP 120/70mmHg
RR 36 cpm
SPO2 99%at RA

Provisional diagnosis 

Left sided Hydropneumothorax 


On 2/12/22

On 1/12/22

CT scan findings : (on 27/11/22)

Large non homogenous opacities with air bronchogram and surrounding ground glass opacities in the superior segment of left lower lobe.

Rest of lung parenchyma appear normal in attenuation.


On 1/12/22

High flow o2  at 12-14 lit/min with face mask

Inj tramadol 1 amp in 100ml NS stat.

On 2/12/22

• Inj PIPTAZ 4.5 mg IV/TID

• Inj PAN 40mg IV/OD/BBF

• Inj Tramadol 1 amp in 100 ml NS (stat)


• Inj Zofer 4mg /I.v /Stat

• Monitor Vitals BP,RR,PR,SPO2

• T.Dolo 650mg PO BD


Bag always below waist

Cap always open 

Check Air column movement

Maintain under water seal 

• Neb with Duolin and Budecort

• Tab Azee 500 mg Pod


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